Teesside University is the best public university in England’s northeast. It is located in the Tees Valley, in Middlesbrough. It was founded in 1930 and was designated as a university in 1992. Since then, it has evolved into a world-class, innovative school. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in the arts, business, computer science, engineering, health, science, social studies, and other disciplines. It is separated into four schools: Computing, Engineering, and Digital Technologies, Healthcare and Social Care, Science, Engineering, and Design, and Teesside University Business School. Each school works hard to provide students with a high-quality education while also encouraging creativity and innovation in their respective fields.
Its primary goal is to place students in employment and provide them with real-world experience. Teesside University has close relationships with industry partners and collaborates with them to provide job placements, employment, and projects. This provides pupils with valuable experiences and increases their future prospects. Teesside University’s emphasis on hands-on learning is supported by its modern facilities, which include labs, workshops, and industry-standard specialized instruments.
Courses available
MA in 2D Animation and Stop Motion
You create a short film, animate it, and submit it to film festivals. You write and present your film screenplay to industry professionals and funding organizations, analyze animation against theoretical and critical frameworks, and experiment with animated form.
HNC in Aeronautical Engineering at Teesside University
Mechanical engineering, electronic and electrical engineering, materials design and engineering, and specialist aerospace issues such as aerodynamics, airplane and aircraft electronics systems, composite materials, and rotary wings mechanical and flight systems are all part of the area.
BA (Hons) in Airline and Airport Management
Future airline and airport innovations will focus on the need for airlines to differentiate themselves in a competitive market and establish innovative business models to encourage global economic growth.
BSc (Hons) Animal Science and Welfare
You’ll learn what experts know about animal health, physiology, and behavior, as well as the difficulties they confront around the world. If you complete this course, you will be prepared for jobs in business, government, and the environment, as well as postgraduate and research positions.
MSc in Bioinformatics
This course at Teesside University teaches you how to handle and manipulate large datasets in order to learn new things about biology. Computers are used to provide extensive teaching in biological studies. You have the statistics and critical thinking skills required to use biological data as a foundation.
Master of Science in Chiropractic (Hons)
Chiropractic treatment focuses on identifying, treating, and avoiding mechanical abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system, as well as how these problems affect the neurological system and the body.
BSc (Hons) Clinical Optometry
Optometrists are doctors who test, diagnose, and treat the eyes and other components of the vision system. Optometry is a modern, expanding field that is improving as research and tools advance.
MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
This course at Teesside University of study will teach you how scientific concepts are applied in CBT therapeutic practice, as well as how proof is created, discovered, assessed, and applied. You will also study more about CBT and improve your skills so that you can apply specialized strategies to aid those suffering from depression and anxiety.
MSc in Computer Game Programming
You’ll learn how to build high-performance systems, develop novel computer approaches, and participate in the different research disciplines associated with this subject. Games programming is an area of computer science that investigates computational theory and software system architecture.
MA in Creative Writing
To enlighten, provoke, fascinate, inspire, and move, creative writers utilize words to transmit ideas, thoughts, and emotions. You study fiction, poetry, life writing, and drama to learn how authors operate and how to become a professional writer for publishing, performance, community, educational, and therapeutic purposes.